What is a GCMS Codes List?

The notes entered by visa officers when processing applicants’ files vary widely depending on the issues relevant to the individual application, the visa type applied for, and even the visa office handling the application. For example, skilled worker applications will be scrutinized to ensure that the applicants’ have the necessary education and experience for their chosen profession – this may include checking educational transcripts and following up with employment references.

The majority of CAIPS notes are not terribly complex to read – despite what many immigration professionals would have you believe!

The Codes List is the official list of codes used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in the processing of CAIPS/GCMS files.

The notes entered in the CAIPS/GCMS system by an Immigration officer are in English (may be in French for Quebec immigrants) and usually, easy to understand. However some of the codes used within the CAIPS/GCMS file may be difficult to interpret. The Codes List provides assistance in the interpretation of the file in these circumstances.


Are you having difficulty in understanding GCMS?

The notes are not that hard to understand, but if are having difficulty understanding it and need professional advice, then you can take our service on that as well.

We will interpret your file and provide you explanation in easy to understand language. Explanation will be provided to you on the key matters and content of your GCMS file. We can advise you on the issues that the officer noted on your application and could offer your suggestions on how to improve it. We could provide the recommendations on improving your next application or help you prepare better for further steps / process in your ongoing application. GCMS files vary a lot from one case to another, so what we are able to interpret for you will depend very much on what IRCC has recorded in your file!

Download CAIPS / GCMS Coding Aid List